Well it seems like just yesterday I was holding this new little baby girl in my arms and now here it is two years later and she is getting so big. She is no longer my baby because everyday she is looking older and older.
On Wednesday the 5th of November Shalece turned two years old. Travis is so cute for the last two years he has taken Shalece's Birthday off of work so he and her get to spend the whole day together and have daddy daughter time! I truely think that he is the cutest dad in the whole world. He loves Shalece so much and gives her everything...the most important being love and the ultimate playmate!
When we first found out we were pregnant with Shalece we were completely surprised. It was not planned and we never thought that we would have a baby as soon as we did. But it is funny how life turns out. Sometimes the least expected is exactly what you need. I can't imagine my life without this little toddler in it. She brings so much love, noise, and happiness into our lives. She is very strongwilled and very spirited and I know that she will have a true purpose in this life...I just hope I do a good enough job at teaching her what she needs to know.
We had a really fun time both of our families came over and cramed into our little house and the party began! I made an Elmo cake and I have to say I don't know if the hours you put in is really worth it...I think it was gone in a matter of ten minutes. Good thing I took a lot of pictures...I am going to save the pictures and then when Shalece is in her forbiden teen years and thinks I don't give her anything I am going to pull out all of her cake pictures and remind her of the hours I spent decorating them all of these past years and remind her of how much I have given her! Just teasing! (But really thanks mom for all the cakes you decorated for me and my siblings...I understand now why it took so long!)
Anyway it was Elmo themed because just as of late Shalece has grown attached to Elmo. Well every present she opened was some kind of elmo toy, movie, coloring book, or stuffed elmo. We are just a few items short of opening our own Elmo museum. (I will let you know when it opens!) But it was really fun and she loved every minute. All week she had been so excited and she would say, "Happy to you, me!" She loves birthdays.
Well I just have to say I am thankful for her and Travis they are my life and I am grateful to have such wonderful family! Thanks Travis and Shalece I love more than you could ever know!
Happy Birthday to Lecey! We had so much fun at your birthday! The kids loved playing with you. We love you.
Gas here is $2.24. Yea! And happy birthday to Shalece. I hope the cover charge for the museum won't be more than I can afford. : )
Oh yeah baby we got you beat! Gas here $1.93, the look on your face when you read this...priceless!
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